Daniela Beltrani


Every woman is a daughter. Every daughter has a mother. Every mother is a woman destined to be obscured by the shadow above her.
In the progression, the final link brings about the new link for the chain to be perpetuated. Like a chant without sound, a flower without scent, a word without a meaning: Nemo Filia Mater et Umbra, Nobody Daughter Mother and Shadow...

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The Catena Series
0-Nemo/Daniela Beltrani/2020/Rome/Photo: Daniela Beltrani
1-Filia/Daniela Beltrani/2020/Rome/ Photo: Daniela Beltrani
2-Mater/Daniela Beltrani/2020/Rome/ Photo: Daniela Beltrani
3-Umbra/Daniela Beltrani/2020/Rome/ Photo: Daniela Beltrani

Daniela Beltrani is a performance artist and researcher based in Rome. She is the artistic director of Performance Art Rome. She holds a Master of Arts in Contemporary Asian Art Histories from LASALLE Singapore, and a Master in Management for the Valorisation of the Cultural Heritage from Sapienza Università di Roma. She has a 500-hour Yoga Instructor Certificate, and a Graduate Diploma in Applied Positive Psychology. The diverse paths of her multifaceted research bring her to an increasingly deeper self-knowledge. Since 2010 Daniela has curated exhibitions, contributed articles for art publications, and catalogues with a focus on contemporary art in Southeast Asia, and performance art. She has presented over 100 performances, in the Philippines, Singapore, Italy, Myanmar, Cambodia, Turkey, Indonesia, Finland, China, Malaysia, India, Mexico, and Iran. Daniela is focused on promoting performance art as an artform apt to facilitate a meaningful encounter between artist and audience.

6-General artist statement (maximum 150 words)
Daniela promotes an experience of art that is non-elitist. Benefitting from a humanistic background, and ongoing research on human nature and spirituality, her efforts encourage the audience of her performances into a more holistic experience of art, as a means to cultivate one’s own individual sense of aesthetics, and to recover one’s humanity and interconnectedness beyond the flimsy parameters of a decadent and consumeristic society.
Her wholesome approach to performance art - as performer, spectator, photographer, collector and writer - allows her to explore this malleable art form, in the awareness that its very practice informs its elusive definition. Her latest series, From Human Doing to Human Being, intends to facilitate a meaningful encounter between artist and audience, and elicit an audience response from levels of consciousness beyond mind, intellect, and ego, with a view to recover our sense of true self, through actions of meditative quality, carried out mindfully, in repetition, stillness, silence, and/or non-verbal communication.
